Minggu, 25 November 2007


The Website for Fans of the Afro Celt Sound System

Welcome to the Afro Celt Sound System's fan website - - a fan-created website to support the most innovative, inspiring and accomplished group of musicians - - the Afro Celts! We're in regular communciation with the band and we'll keep you updated on all the latest news, including future gigs. Check out the exclusive articles written by band members, our comprehensive discography page and hard to find lyrics to many ACSS songs. Both new and old fans may find our FAQ section informative. Please register for the ACSS Forum and join in the discussions about ACSS and their music. Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy the website.

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Website last updated on October 5, 2007.

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nine lives of buddha

posted onOctober 15th, 2007

On the 2nd oktober we took part in an evening of musikprotokoll feturing the FM3 Buddha Machine with our own interpretation of the little box:

YOKOMONO at Passengers festival Warszawa

posted onOctober 12th, 2007

[…] City space, mobility, changing and attributing new definitions to situations and places form a set of ideas the organizers of Passengers Festival in Warsaw on 6-13th October focus on. Warsaw will be given a new train line, but also there will arrive a group of international artists, passengers of the city who will transform its scenery for a short period of time.
For the organizers of the festival a tram is both a source of inspiration, symbol of this enterprise, as well as a mobile platform to present art. […]

The performances of the passengers festival took place at a very nice old tram repair hall wich is still in use for that purpose.
YOKOMONO was fitting very well in this surrounding.


Steirischer Herbst and musikprotokoll 2007, Graz

posted onSeptember 16th, 2007

[…] Built with the aid of cutting-edge architectural and technological means as the ideal concert hall, free of inherent noise: The Helmut-List-Halle is an almost perfect white cube for music. For the opening of steirischer herbst, Staalplaat Soundsystem will for the first time use the hall not as a flawless shell for music but rather play the hall itself as an instrument – in a duet with the noises that surround it and that are usually locked out. […]

Commissioned by Steirischer Herbst and musikprotokoll 2007 (Curators: Susanna Niedermayr/Christian Scheib) we have produced a new version of our Architone project for the official festival opening on the 20th September 2007. Plus a 2nd show on the 21st September.

Geert-Jan Hobijn (NL), Carsten Stabenow (D), Carlo Crovato (GB), Olaf Matthes (D) and Jens Alexander Ewald (D)
special guests:
BMB.con Justin Bennett (GB), Roelf Toxopeus (NL) and Mark Bain (US)

A short video of the second performance:
camicon http://www.staalplaat.org/video/closed_enough.mov
some more impressions from the opening of steirischer herbst can be found here:
camicon official festival doku by Timm Ringewald (min 6:30-9:30)

the soundartist Wolfgang Dorninger made some binaural recordings and wrote a small review: part 1 and part 2.

Some reviews can be found here:
news icon http://oe1.orf.at/highlights/109119.html

news icon http://www.diepresse.com/home/kultur/news/331516/index.do

From 26th - 28th we did a workshop on the topic “how to play a building” and presented the results together with the students as a lead-in to the musikprotokoll week with a concert on the 2nd October. This show was also featuring special guest FM3.

Later on the 2nd October we played together with our friends FM3 a Buddha Boxing set at the Generalmusikdirektion.
For some video of this very funny evening please have a look at camicon nine lives of buddha

On the 3rd October we have done the last Architone performance - for this we invited Goodiepal, Owl Project and our workshop students to play the building together with us.

V2 zone at MOCA Taipei

posted onAugust 18th, 2007

“Made In Taiwan” invites people to play with a complex mechanical sound orchestra, installed in the museum by using their mobile phones. The students have made a mechanical orchestra consists of modified, hacked, changed and customised, electronic household devices like vacuum cleaners playing flute, organ and brass, rattling kitchen mixers, buzzing ventilators, and humming refrigerators. In order to wake up the installation and start the orchestra, passers-by dial a telephone number. The call opens the door of the fridge, revealing a “mobile-phone robot person”. When they start pressing the buttons, the various modified household appliances come to live and begin to make a noise: the funny electrical music of recycled everyday objects. The main interest of the Staalplaat workshop is to involve passers-by in such a process of interaction and communication. Their method for achieving this is turning normal simple things around and upside down, by changing their function, by radical recontextualization and reconfiguration. Always with a lot of humour, in order to make ensure enjoyment for the audience.

camicon Made In Taiwan workshop/installation at MOCA Taipei

The Yokomono-installation is built from around two hundred radios. As each killer will play its own record – each one is locked groove record made by Staalplaat for the installation – it opens up a separate audio stream. It thereby generates and controls a multi-channel sound system. By arranging the radios in groups it becomes possible to explore the architectural dimensions of the space. Some radios are tuned to the same frequency, and here Staalplaat uses small battery operated radios on sets of the train models to map the transmission in the space, for it will drive through the interfering frequencies.
The Yokomono set-up in the MOCA is a combinationof the live concert version and the installation version, it will be played live by members of Staalplaat Soundsystem.
Soon images of the installation, and live set of the Staalplaat soundsystem participation in ZONE V2 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei will be posted here.

camicon Yokomono performance at MOCA Taipei

YOKOMONO WHITE with Hassan Khan at Tesla Berlin

posted onJuly 14th, 2007

The idea for ‘Yokomono White’ was made for the Avanto festival in Helsinki but never realized nor tested.
“Yokomono white” is just old turntables with paper tubes (for children when they go the first time to school) and a pin
this is a experimental version live tested on stage in conjunction with Hassan Khan.

The piano sections included in this performance were composed and recorded a couple of months ago in podgorica by Hassan Khan. These simple compositions were interested in structure and architecture- the way a proposition is stated and developed. The recording was done behind the firewall of the national theater whose wooden floor and extremely high ceilings provided excellent natural reverb. Segments from these recordings are rearranged to provide a structure for a live improvisation session using live feedbacking mixers, a battery of filters in conjunction with staalplaat soundsystems’s vinyl loops library and turntables.

Hassan Khan works with image, sound, text, music and concept. His album tabla dubb has just been released on the 100COPIES label. Khan lives and works in Cairo, Egypt.

Zuidas Free Spaces / AIR initiative

posted onMay 15th, 2007

‘If buildings and roads are the city’s hardware, then culture is the software that brings the city to life.’ - Geert-Jan was working five months in Amsterdam on a new project for the Zuidas Free Spaces / AIR initiative wich brings together urban planners, developers,
architects and politicians, artists and scholars to consider the appropriation of public space. In his project ‘Geluidas’ he wanted to play the city of Amsterdam as an instrument, but it was canseled by the organiser.



posted onMay 10th, 2007

We played a YOKOMONO in Maribor/Slovenia on the 10th of may at 13th International Festival of Computer Arts. http://www.mfru.org

yokomono maribor

TSCHUMIFOON in Groningen

posted onApril 28th, 2007

We finished a new installation called “Tschumifoon” for the beautiful tschumipaviljoen in Groningen.

Out of the glass Tschumipavilione we build an instrument wich is made playable by the audience via mobile phone. The glass windows are transformed in to speakers, and 8 independent sound channels can be selected and controlled by phone.
Inside the pavilion 8 groups of mechanical instruments are installed that are triggered by the single sound channels.

The TSCHUMIFOON was running from 28 April till 2 July 2007.
The opening was Saturday 28 April at 4 PM.

more images below


posted onApril 14th, 2007

We played a YOKOMONO set at the DEAF07 festival in Rotterdam.
“On 14 April V2_ celebrates its 25th birthday with an exceptionally dynamic night. A surprising lineup of groundbreaking artists who have bridged new media, performance, image and sound in the past 25 years will perform. Along with Staalplaat Soundsystem’s “vinyl killers”, Edwin van der Heide’s laser performances and appearances by Maurice Benayoun and Jean-Baptiste Barrière, V2_ will bring you Germany’s Mouse on Mars and Ryoji Ikeda, Japan’s best-known composer of electronic music.”
(DEAF website)
